2023 Holy Land & Egypt


Join Jenny and me as we travel to the lands of the Bible and visit many of the most significant locations of ancient history!

Every few years Jenny and I have drawn together the work of taking a group of the faithful to visit the land of Jesus to see and experience first hand the pivotal moments in our faith. Nothing has ever come close to the profound impact of seeing with our own eyes, the very places where the events of the Bible took place. John has always said that this trip is worth a full year of seminary academic work. Those who have gone with us return to say repeatedly that nothing has ever been so profound and no trip has ever meant so much. Imagine being in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. Imagine walking the path that Jesus walked carrying his cross. Imagine being in the room where Jesus was held prisoner and actually seeing the etchings on the floor of the games the soldiers played. Just think what it is like to put your foot in the Jordan River of Jesus’ baptism. Walking the Temple Mount, standing at the tradition site of Jesus’ birth, crawling into the tomb of the Holy Sepulcher and more and more and more.

Add to this traveling to the great rose city of Petra in Jordan and staying on the side of the Dead Sea! We will tour the great city of Amman Jordan from which we will fly to the even more ancient world of Egypt where we will behold the Pyramids of Giza, stand before the ancient Sphinx. We will take a flight from Cairo to Luxor where we will see the great Vally of the Kings and Queens and walk through the breath taking Temple of Karnak. Upon return to Cairo we will see the endless holdings of the Egyptian Museum.

The attached brochures have all the details.

This trip is all inclusive in the stated cost. That means all airfare, hotels, meals (two meals a day), all entry fees, taxes, tips and porterage. The value of this experience and the opportunity it brings is stunning.

We encourage you to experience the full land of Israel and Jordan but also to take advantage of the extension to Egypt.

If you have questions please feel free to email either Jenny or myself. My email is jwdaniel@me.com and Jenny’s email is Jennysew3@gmail.com. We will be holding an information session in person and we would love to invite you to join us for that. Please let us know of your interest. We welcome your questions.

This entire trip is planned and managed through Wilcox World Travel and Tours in Ashville North Carolina. We have been working with Wilcox for almost 40 years and know of their business integrity and skill in planning all types of travels. Feel free to check them out.

Below is a link to the color brochure for the Israel and Jordan portion as well as the Egypt extension and the registration form.


RESPONSE to this trip was so strong that it filled almost immediately to the full capacity. Actually there formed a waiting list! After much thought and consideration, we have decided to duplicate the trip with a second trip group which will travel about three weeks after the first one returns. We are delighted to be able to do this and we are grateful to Wilcox Travel and NET Tours for making it possible.

The brochures offered below are ONLY FOR THE SECOND TRIP. The dates are July 21 – August 1 with the Egypt extension returning on August 5th. This trip is the exact duplicate of the first trip.

There are openings at this time. Please let us know if you have questions but the Israel/Jordan brochure, the Egypt extension brochure AND the registration form are available for download below.

Come join us! Open and download the trip brochures.

Brochure for Israel & Jordan

Brochure for Egypt Extension

Trip Registration From

To register simply download the registration form above, complete the form and mail with your deposit check to Wilcox World Travel. The information is on the registration form. If you have questions about trip insurance or your deposit, please contact Robin Cady, at Wilcox World Tours and Travel. You also may contact us for any general questions or trip information. Please feel free to share this opportunity. When we reach the maximum number we will post that info here on this website. Blessings! We hope to hear from you.